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Dispensation Councillor E Gill

The dispensation applied for concerns an item relating to the designation of a Thorpe Neighbourhood Forum and its designated area coming before the Planning Committee meeting of the 24th August 2016 in a situation when Councillor Mrs Gill might have to withdraw from the meeting as she is a member of the Thorpe Neighbourhood Forum.
The Council’s Monitoring Officer has granted Councillor Mrs Gill a dispensation under paragraph 12.1 of the Code of Conduct for Members to remain in the room when the item is considered and, participate in any debate relating to this item and vote on the item.
This dispensation applies only for the duration of the Planning Committee to be held on the 24th August 2016. The reason for this approach is that if there are future considerations of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan we should consider the implications of possible Interests on a case by case basis rather than giving a blanket at present as we may find that circumstances warrant a different approach.