Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee received for information the Internal Auditor’s Progress Report on the 2024/25 audit plan in accordance with the requirements of the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.
Officers from the Southern Internal Audit Partnership reported that they had reviewed the recommendations made by the previous internal auditors including those that were still overdue. In particular, Officers were asked to confirm the status of the outstanding recommendation with regard to the Meals at Home service.
Officers reported that since publication of the report further progress had been made including agreeing Terms of Reference in respect of the forthcoming audit of ITIL Assurance Mapping and meetings were taking place in respect of the audits on the non-statutory Best Value Notice programme and Emergency Planning.
It was confirmed that the routine recommendation for Key Financial Controls was due to be completed later in the month.
Report author: Neil Pitman
Publication date: 02/08/2024
Date of decision: 17/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Standards and Audit Committee
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