Document Safer Runnymede Review

Safer Runnymede Review

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received for information, an update on the Service Review of Safer Runnymede.


Members recalled that the scope of the review was in two phases and included a review of the existing CCTV maintenance contract, developing a greater understanding of Safer Runnymede’s costs, risks and new business opportunities, to enhance existing relationships with CSS Ltd and the second phase which was to conduct an options appraisal for the provision of the Community Alarm monitoring services.


Officers reported that with the departure of the former Safer Runnymede Manager, the need to provide greater support for the service had also been identified.


Members noted progress with each strand of the review.  With the CCTV contract, elements of the specification had been changed to provide greater accuracy against Safer Runnymede’s technical requirements.  New processes had been introduced in the day to day management of the contract.  In addition, there were new and more flexible charging structures for the provision of routine preventative maintenance, and undertaking fault response and repair, to reflect the response level required.  It was hoped that a modest saving would result and that full cost recovery would be completed where appropriate. 


Officers reported they had certainly gained a greater understanding of Safer Runnymede’s true costs and as a result an agreed unit cost had been identified that could be applied to discussions with potential new clients and on renewal with existing ones.  In terms of risk, capacity in the control room was an important factor as well as staffing resources, with the opportunity for additional resources being considered, within the existing budget.


The Committee was pleased that despite losing the former Safer Runnymede Manager, relationships with the existing CCTV contractor had been maintained and the contract management function had been enhanced with regular monthly meetings with the various stakeholders.


Officers confirmed that the second phase, to conduct an options appraisal with regard to community alarms, was underway, noting that the current contract for alarm monitoring software was due to expire in June 2026.  Officers would be investigating several options, one of which could include outsourcing provision of the community alarms monitoring service.


Officers confirmed that this review was now complete.  However, opportunities to enhance the service and rigorous monitoring of Safer Runnymede would continue.


The report was duly noted.



Report author: Darren Williams

Publication date: 28/11/2024

Date of decision: 13/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 13/11/2024 - Community Services Committee

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