Longlisting for role of Chief Executive

Meeting: 16/06/2023 - Standing Appointments Sub-Committee (Item 9)

Interviews for the role of Chief Executive



The sub-committee is asked to make a recommendation to the Council, following interviews with shortlisted candidates for the position of Chief Executive.


The timetable for the day is attached.


Further documents are included in the supplementary agenda.

Additional documents:


Members of the Sub-Committee interviewed a number of candidates for the role of Chief Executive Officer.


After careful consideration, members unanimously agreed to recommend to Council a candidate for appointment to the role of Head of Paid Service, Chief Executive and Returning Officer.

Meeting: 05/06/2023 - Standing Appointments Sub-Committee (Item 5)

Shortlisting for the role of Chief Executive



The committee is asked to consider the report from the executive consultant from Tile Hill, and agree a shortlist of candidates for consideration in later stages of the recruitment process.


The report from Tile Hill is attached.


A Consultant from Tile Hill briefed the Sub-Committee on the questions asked at the longlisting interviews.  Members were advised on the performance of each of the candidates. On the basis of the longlisting interviews, he recommended that all of the candidates who had been longlisted should proceed on to the final shortlist.


After due consideration, the Sub-Committee agreed the shortlist of candidates for consideration at the final stage of the selection process on 15 and 16 June 2023.

Meeting: 26/04/2023 - Appointments Sub-Committee (Item 691)

Longlisting for role of Chief Executive

Additional documents:


It was resolved that the executive recruitment consultant be asked to interview the longlist of candidates agreed by the Appointments Sub-Committee, and report back to an appropriate meeting after the annual meeting of the Council on 17 May 2023.