Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 21st May 2024.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A King. Residents’ Representatives Mr N Bromilow and Mr R McGregor-Johnson |
Declarations of interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable and non-registrable interests in items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Maintenance and Management of the Green Minutes: The Committee was updated on various maintenance and management issues relating to the Green.
With regard to the grass treatment and reseeding programme, the work had been carried out, however, the scarified moss currently remained onsite due to an vehicle/contractor issue. Once a new Parks and Green Spaces Manager had been appointed the moss would be removed as soon as possible.
The matrix paving had been ordered and delivered. Officers were waiting for the delivery of soil to back fill the dip under the bench. The Corporate Head of Environmental Services had contacted the Crown Estate and requested permission to install the matrix paving. The paving would be installed if permission was granted. It was noted that the matrix paving would be infilled with grass not gravel.
Officers reported that the second and third prospective bench donors had changed their mind. Officers would contact the Englefield Green Residents Association to ascertain if they were aware of anyone who would be interested in being a bench donor.
At the Committee meeting on 9 April 2024, Officers were asked to go back to the Crown Estate to advise them there were already some composite posts insitu on the Green and composite posts had previously been procured by the Council and were held in readiness for installation. The Crown Estate came back to Officers and confirmed that in view of the existing stock, composite posts could be used but following the use of these timber posts should be used thereafter. It was agreed that the last remaining composite posts should be used in areas at risk of traveller incursions. Officers would meet with Councillor Berardi to discuss the strategic placing of the remaining composite posts.
At the 9 April 2024 meeting Officers had also been asked to seek advice on whether local residents could source their own 3rd party contractors to undertake work on the Green (i.e. contractors sourced by Committee Members but whose appointment was subject to the approval of Council Officers and would be supervised by Committee Members). The Committee was advised that this was not permitted. Committee Members were appointed to a decision making body only, and did not have the standing either as Committee Members or Councillors to source contractors or enter into contracts on behalf of the Council.
The Committee noted the current staff vacancies. The Corporate Head of Environmental Services reported that since publication of the agenda interviews for the position of Green Spaces Manager had taken place and an offer had been made.
With regard to income from events. Officers confirmed that income generated by activities on Englefield Green including events and filming was credited to the parks revenue account. Income from all events and the income generated from letting of sports facilities across the borough was used to offset the cost of managing Runnymede’s open spaces. Income was not retained within individual open space budgets. Whilst the Committee understood this process they asked Officers to check with finance whether the freehold of Englefield Green ... view the full minutes text for item 63. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Corporate Head of Environmental Services advised the Committee that there was an error in 4.1 of the agenda report. As previously advised any income from events did not go into earmarked reserves but was credited into the parks revenue account.
The Committee was asked to consider four event applications for events proposed to take place on the Green in 2024.
Runnymede Classic Car Show – 18 August 2024
The Committee was asked to consider the application for the Runnymede Classic Car Show to use the Green on 18 August 2024. The Car Show was an annual event (except for 2023) which raised money for charity. All profits from this year’s car show would go to local charities including Runnymede Food banks.
The show normally took place on Runnymede Meadows and Officers had agreed the application to hire Runnymede Meadows for the 2024 event. However, after permission was given to the organiser, it was discovered that the Council would not be able to get the hay cut on the meadows before the event. Therefore, unfortunately the event had to be cancelled.
The event organiser had now requested to move the event to Englefield Green.
The Committee noted that the application clashed with the date of the next application to be considered. Officers were also advised by a member of the Committee that the Englefield Green Cricket Club would be likely to have a home fixture that day.
The Committee noted that under the terms of the licence held by the Cricket Club for use of the cricket pavilion and pitch they were obliged to supply the Council with a list of their home fixtures. Officers advised the Committee that currently the Cricket Club was not supplying Officers with this information which made dealing with event applications very difficult.
The Committee was keen to support the application for the Classic Car Show particularly as it raised much needed money for local charities.
Members of the Committee asked Officers to advise the Cricket Club that the cricket pitch would not be available for match use on 18 August due to the Runnymede Classic Cars Show taking place. In addition, Officers were asked to contact the Cricket Club regarding the Cricket Club supplying the Council with the list of home fixtures.
Downs Steam Fair – 16-18 August 2024
The Committee was asked to consider an application from Downs Steam Fair to hold a vintage funfair on the Green between 16 – 18 August. Given the Committee had already approved an event for the date requested, unfortunately this application would have to be refused, it was also noted that a similar event had already been approved for September.
Englefield Green Cricket Club Sponsors’ Day – 14 July 2024
Officers advised the Committee that the Cricket Club proposed to hold an event which included cricket and both live and recorded music. Food would be served from a food truck and alcohol would be sold from the Cricket Club bar. There would be no fairground rides ... view the full minutes text for item 64. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: There was no exempt or confidential information on the agenda. |
Exempt information There is no exempt information in this agenda. Minutes: There was no exempt or confidential information on the agenda.