Special Housing Committee, Housing Committee - Wednesday, 3rd August, 2022 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Runnymede Civic Centre, Addlestone

Contact: Mr A Finch 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


None received.


Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable and non-registrable interests in items on the agenda.



Cllr Howorth declared a non-registerable interest in item 5 – Development opportunity in Chertsey – and withdrew from the Chamber for the duration of that item.


Exclusion of press and public


By resolution of Council, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following report under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that the report in question would be likely to involve disclosure of exempt information of the description specified in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Development Opportunity in Chertsey


The Head of Housing Services and Business Planning reminded Members that the Council had targeted 125 units for acquisition over the next five years, and as part of that process Members were asked to note the potential purchase of a site in Chertsey.


The site in question had recently been deferred at Planning Committee, and officers were asked to negotiate with the developer to seek scheme enhancements.  However, the Head of Housing Services and Business Planning advised that a significant reduction in properties or increase in design requirements would likely result in the scheme not being purchased by the Council.


Whilst mixed tenure would be the aspiration for the site, three different options would be explored, including 100% affordable rent, social rent and shared ownership, and a combination of the two.  Should planning permission be obtained for the location on terms deemed acceptable to the Council then a full viability report of the site and what could be delivered would be presented to a future Committee.


In response to a Member’s query about the build cost, Officers advised that Homes England had indicated that costs were consistent and inline with strategic partners, whilst the EPC rating would be considered under a construction phase rather than planning phase, but officers would be targeting an EPC rating of ‘A’.


Resolved that –


1)    Members noted that the Housing Service was in negotiations with the owners of a site in Chertsey with a view to securing the completed development. ?


2)    Members noted the tenure mix options under consideration. ?


3)    A further report would be presented to a subsequent Committee setting out the finances of the scheme, and to seek approval of the necessary Capital budgets and Supplementary Capital estimates that would need to be approved by this Committee and Full Council. 


Parkside/Braeside Regeneration


The Corporate Head of Housing reported that many of the properties on the Parkside/Braeside estate had exceeded their lifespan and offered poor energy efficiency.  Their poor condition meant that many were not mortgagable.


Whilst discussions around the estate’s future had taken place over a number of years, Committee approval was sought to progress the regeneration of the estate, along with approval of the regeneration site plan.


Community facilities of some sort and private and shared amenity space would be desired as part of the design brief, along with the promotion of sustainable travel, electric charging points and high-speed broadband.


The Chair made Committee members aware of the possibility of additional Special Housing Committees later this year to approve a viability study and to tie in with other Committees and Full Council approval.


Officers confirmed to Members that a full consultation would take place with residents prior to the exercise and throughout the regeneration.  Furthermore, a thorough stakeholder analysis would be undertaken as part of the process.


In response to concerns from Members about the scale of the project, the Corporate Head of Housing confirmed that a project team featuring input across the Council had been set up, whilst an external resource would be obtained to deliver the technical specification, alongside a partner to help deliver the project.


The Corporate Head of Housing confirmed his intention to learn the lessons from other authorities in the region who had embarked on similar largescale regeneration projects.


Resolved that –


i.       Members approved the Development Brief and Site Plan.


ii.      Members approved the principle of the regeneration of Parkside and Braeside.


iii.     Members noted the next steps and the key gateway approvals required to progress the project