Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||
Notification of Changes to Committee Membership |
To confirm and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Thursday 17 October 2024 (Appendix ‘A’). |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable and non-registrable interests in items on the agenda. |
Additional documents: |
Corporate Management Proposed Fees and Charges PDF 97 KB Additional documents: |
Q2 Investment Property Report PDF 304 KB Additional documents: |
Runnymede Welfare Support Policies PDF 138 KB These are updates to show the amount of grant given by Surrey County Council which was announced on 11th November 2024.
In the Runnymede Welfare Support policies report at paragraph 1.3 is updated
Runnymede have been given £62,834 to deliver this scheme from Surrey County Councils allocation.
In the HSF6 Policy under heading 1. The second paragraph is updated
Runnymede Borough Council has been allocated £62,834 to support families who have been adversely impacted.
Under heading 2. The table is updated
Additional documents: |
Recommendation from Community Services - Future Council Meadow Management Policy |
Q2 2024/5 Corporate KPIs PDF 106 KB Additional documents: |
Exclusion of Press and Public |
Part II Matters involving Exempt or Confidential Information in respect of which reports have not been made available for public inspection
NEC Contract Review |
Recommendation from Community Services - Hare Hill SANG Infrastructure The Community Services Committee is due to meet after the date of this agenda’s publication. The Hare Hill SANG Infrastructure report can be found here. Any recommendations will be distributed as part of a supplementary agenda. |
Recommendation from Environment & Sustainability Committee - Depot Options Appraisal The Environment & Sustainability Committee is due to meet after the date of this agenda’s publication. The Depot Options Appraisal report can be found Here.
Any recommendations will be distributed as part of a supplementary agenda.
At the Environment and Sustainability Committee held on 20th November the Committee received a report regarding Depot Options The original report was exempt under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 as it contains commercially sensitive financial information. The Committee was asked to consider four options for the future refurbishment of the Council’s depot. Officers advised the Committee that having considered all the relevant factors the preferred option was to refurbish the building opposite the Depot to accommodate staff who delivered the Depot’s key administrative functions. Additionally, a modular building would be installed on the existing Depot site to provide welfare facilities for operational staff. The asset known as the Ford Road Depot was a council owned site delivering statutory waste provisions. At present, 19 Environmental Services staff worked from the main depot offices, with 3 Community Services staff working from an adjoining annex. This was in addition to the 26 collection operatives and 22 street care operatives who worked out of the site. Over the years, the depot has evolved to deliver other services for the borough. The services presently delivered from the site included waste and recycling collection, vehicle maintenance, street cleansing, grounds maintenance, and fleet management. Community transport was also based on the site, as was meals at home, plus storage for various other teams including CCTV and elections. A new fuel management system was installed in April 2024 and the fuel tank cleaned and refurbished. The tank was currently used to store and supply HVO fuel for the Council’s fleet. In June 2022, a report was taken to the Corporate Management Committee to release a capital estimate for the procurement of the works contract for the commencement of refurbishment and upgrade of the Ford Road Depot prior to grounds maintenance and green spaces services being relocated and delivered in-house. Following a procurement exercise a comprehensive feasibility study took place. The surveys took longer than anticipated due to their complexity and the need for specialised professional services, as well as consultations with key staff. The survey results confirmed that the building had exceeded its economical lifespan and lacked the capacity to be future proofed to meet carbon net zero goals.
The four options considered were:
Option 1: Move administrative
employees to the nearby former St. John Ambulance Site, While the surveys were being undertaken by external consultants, the Council was advised by their tenants, St. John’s Ambulance, who were in the building opposite the Depot, that they no longer required the building. Noting that the surveys had revealed the Depot office space and welfare facilities were at end of life, Officers considered this to be an opportunity for this asset to provide a possible location for the main offices of the depot. Appropriate surveys of the St. John’s Ambulance building identified that the building could be used for office purposes but was not sufficient to house all the welfare requirements of the service currently based at the Depot. In order to address this, it was proposed that a small modular building is located on the existing site, with office-based employees being relocated to the property St. Johns Ambulance vacated. It was noted that limited interest had been shown for occupation of the site vacated by St. Johns Ambulance with most interest coming from charitable organisations seeking peppercorn rents. By moving office-based staff into the site vacated by St. Johns Ambulance it would bring new life to the building, update it and address issues that would have to be resolved even if the Council sought to re-let it as a commercial asset.
Option 2: 2 x Modular Buildings on existing site The modular buildings would be leased for a 5-year period to give the Council flexibility. It was proposed that modular buildings would be stacked and placed on the former scout hut site with expansion, if so required. The provision of modular buildings for employees who remained at the depot throughout the working day, had been carefully considered. Whilst Option 2 required a reduced capital outlay this was not preferred by existing staff who worked at the depot.
Option 3: Complete Refurbishment Option 3 was a high-cost option at a time when the Council was focused on achieving efficiencies and savings, and may not, therefore, be compatible with the existing Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Option 4: Demolition and Rebuild In alignment with the Medium-Term Financial Strategy approved by Full Council in October, this option was not financially viable in the short or medium term.
The Committee was supportive of supporting Option 1. Resolved that: The Committee approve Option 1 for the works at the depot. The Committee request that Corporate Management Committee approve the capital estimate required to deliver the essential maintenance works vital to the day-to-day operation of the Depot site, including (replacement of fences, landscaping, partial resurfacing, CCTV and external lighting, repairs to external drainage, repairs to retaining wall) Once referred, the Corporate Management Committee; Consider whether it wishes to recommend to the Council the approval of the capital estimate required to deliver the Environment and Sustainability Committee’s preferred option. Once referred, the Council considers and agrees; Whether it wishes to approve the Environmental and Sustainability Committee’s preferred option for the Depot works. Whether it wishes to approve the capital estimate required to deliver the Depot works (following consideration or the recommendation of the Corporate Management Committee)
Update on Legal Matters Affecting Council Owned Property |