Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Mr G Lelliott
No. | Item |
Notification of Changes to Committee Membership Minutes: None. |
To confirm and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2024 were agreed.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable and non-registrable interests in items on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Disability Confident Status PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: An outline of the report was given. Members were pleased to see the progress being made towards level two of the Disability Confident Status and asked how the views of employees with the lived experience of disability are attained. Lunch and learn sessions and communications are sent out regularly to promote awareness.
Members flagged concerns over the accessibility of the dais in the Council chamber for the disabled and expressed hopes that this would change with refurbishments.
Shared Prosperity Fund Update PDF 284 KB Minutes: Members were provided with an update on the development of the Runnymede Shared Prosperity Fund and Investment Plan.
Members asked for greater detail on how Runnymede Business Boost worked, and it was clarified that small businesses with the potential to grow were given grant funding.
It was resolved that:
1. A grant of £26,000 to Brooklands College to improve access for residents to basic skills, including literacy, numeracy and digital, be approved. 2. A grant of £24,000 to Surrey Coalition of Disabled People to support a programme of digital inclusion be approved. 3. A grant of £15,000 to Surrey Careers Hub to support work experience, apprenticeships and employment for young people be approved.
Climate Change Update PDF 221 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were updated on the Council’s progress towards reaching its climate change objectives. This included details of progress made with strategy development, grant funding secured, and initiatives being delivered.
Members asked if Council representatives could encourage Heathrow to use more sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) via the Heathrow Spatial Planning Group (HSPG). Whether this was included within the scope of HSPG was discussed. It was thought this was primarily a decision to be made by the individual airlines but would be raised through this group if possible.
Runnymede Borough Council Green House Gas Emissions Report 2022/2023 PDF 512 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council’s emissions for 2022/23 were outlined. Members were pleased to see that when considering the Council’s progress towards meeting its 2030 Net Zero target, there is an overall decrease in our estimated Scope 1 and 2 emissions totals between our baseline year of 2019/20 and 2022/23. All categories of Scope 1 and 2 emission sources have decreased year on year since 2019/20, except for those associated with our diesel/petrol fuel use for our fleet and machinery, where there has been a slight increase in emissions between the financial year 21/22 and 22/23. The transition towards EVs and use of HVO fuel will help to reduce these emissions from our fleet in the future.
Our total emissions (including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions) have risen slightly since the baseline year of 2019/2020. This is mainly due to an increase in emissions from our Scope 3 sources which account for around 92% of the council’s total emissions.
Scope 3 sources, sit outside the Council’s 2030 Net Zero target as they occur indirectly from council activities and are not within our direct control. However, the council is committed to reducing emissions from these scope 3 sources where possible.
The Housing Department’s recent acquisition of a £1.25million grant (Wave 2.2 of the SHDF) will support the decarbonisation of our social housing stock. This will help reduce emissions from the largest Scope 3 emissions source, Council housing tenant consumption.
LLPG and SNN Partnership with Reigate and Banstead PDF 106 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report was summarised for members, and the benefits of a partnership with Reigate and Banstead to the Council in terms of growing its reputation, staffing, and delivering revenue were outlined.
Members expressed concerns about the initial cost of the project, but were assuaged that this could change based on factors outlined in Appendix A. However, there would still be a guaranteed income of £17,000 in the first year with the opportunity for this to grow in future years.
It was resolved that: 1. A partnership with Reigate and Banstead Council for Runnymede Borough Council to deliver Local Land property Gazetteer (LLPG) and Street Naming & Numbering services be approved.
2. A supplementary revenue estimate in the sum of £20,000 for service improvements through technology upgrades and automation to streamline processes to be funded from the first year’s income from the new partnership be approved.
Outcome of staff appeal PDF 91 KB Minutes: Members were updated on the outcome of the staff appeal.
Introduction of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure at Civic Centre PDF 106 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council’s plans to instal six EV charging points at the Civic Centre to further support its climate change strategy were outlined.
It was clarified that £35,000 was the maximum the project was expected to cost, and that efforts would be made to ensure that maintenance arrangements would be robust and limit charger down time. It was resolved that: 1. The business case for the purchase and installation of six EV charging points at the Addlestone Civic Centre be approved. 2. A capital estimate in the sum of £35,000 to be taken from the Climate Change Pump Prime Fund be approved. 3. It be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Corporate Management Committee the ability to agree terms for the EV contract installation and delivery of 6 EV spaces at the Civic Centre.
Q4 2023/24 and Year End Project Portfolio PDF 196 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were updated on the progress of projects in Q4 2023/24 ending in March.
A member wished their concerns to be noted that one member of staff had 12 out of the 16 projects currently running and the implications that had on their workload. Members were assured that a new, senior member of staff would be starting next week, and that the individual was supported by a very able department
Exclusion of Press and Public |
Egham Orbit Minutes: Members were reminded of the context of the lease. Members were asked to consider how to recoup the arrears, and the current rent agreement, which could not decrease below 1% or increase 5% in rent. Members were encouraged to consider the company’s ability to pay the new rent level and the impact this could have on their ability to provide services, and their ability to pay in the long term.
The following was proposed: 1. That negotiations be opened with the tenant to agree an affordable payment plan in respect of outstanding arrears, and that these negotiations be linked to exploration of options for: (i) The development of the site and any restructuring of the lease necessary to facilitate this, and: (ii) The future use of the Addlestone site in liaison with the tenant and Jubilee High School.
2. That a base rent as at 1 April 2024 be retained at the pre-concessionary level, including vat, to be uplifted by 5% in line with the rent review provisions in the lease.
3. That officers continue to explore ways to work with the tenant to maximise the provision of social value for the local community. Members outlined concerns over the company’s ability to deliver social value for the local community, and the nature of the Council’s landlord-tenant relationship with the management. The Council considered the various ways in which leisure provision could be provided such as landlord-tenant, client-contractor or in house provision and the various pros and cons of each model.
Concerns were expressed over the reliability of the company’s reported finances and the implications this had for its ability to pay the proposed rent in the recommendations.
It was resolved that a base rent as at 1 April 2024 be retained at the existing pre-concessionary level, including vat, to be uplifted by 5% in line with the rent review provisions in the lease.
It was further resolved that the following elements of the proposed motion be brought back for consideration by the committee at an appropriate time, following officer discussions with the tenant:
1. The opening of negotiations with the tenant with regard to a payment plan for outstanding arrears.
2. The exploration of ways to work with the tenant to maximise the provision of social value for the local community.
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Minutes: The Deputy Head of Community Services outlined the opportunity that had arisen to deliver a Non-Emergency Patient Transport shift, which would support the admission and discharge of patients within the Surrey Heartlands ICB footprint. This would provide a significant amount of revenue over the next five years and support residents in accessing health services.
It was resolved that:
1. Runnymede Borough Council would enter into a Service Level Agreement for the agreed period (with the option to extend) with Surrey County Council (as the main sub-contractor for the EMED Group Ltd) to operate one vehicle and establishment for the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service at the agreed rate.