Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: [Councillor Saise-Marshall in the chair].
There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest If Members have an interest in an item, please complete a member interest form and email it to by 5pm on the day of the meeting. Members are advised to contact the Corporate Head of Law and Governance prior to the meeting if they wish to seek advice on a potential interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Election of Mayor for the 2024/25 Municipal Year The Council, at its meeting on 29 February 2024, resolved that Councillor Elaine Gill be nominated at the annual meeting of the Council for the office of Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year.
To elect a Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year. Minutes: The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Shannon Saise-Marshall, recounted some of the memorable moments of her mayoral year, thanked those who had supported her and her chosen charities, and welcomed the newly-elected councillors to the chamber.
Councillor Saise-Marshall offered her thanks to her consort, Major Rob Marshall MBE, and to Clare Sykes, Executive Officer, for their support.
Councillors from across the chamber expressed their thanks to Councillor Saise-Marshall for her service as Mayor.
It was proposed (by Councillor Gillham), seconded (by Councillor R. King) and resolved that Councillor Elaine Gill be elected as Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year. |
Declaration by Mayor of Acceptance of Office Minutes: The statutory declaration of acceptance of office was made and signed by Councillor Gill, who thanked the Council for her election.
Councillor Saise-Marshall presented the Chain of Office to Councillor Gill.
[Councillor Gill in the chair]. |
Appointment of Mayor's Consort The newly elected Mayor will announce their consort. Minutes: Councillor Gill announced that her consort would be her husband, Mr Harry Gill.
The Mayor’s Consort badge was presented to Mr Harry Gill.
A former consort badge was presented to Major Rob Marshall MBE. |
Appointment of Mayor's Chaplain The newly elected Mayor will announce their Chaplain (if any). Minutes: Owing to a vacancy for a vicar at Councillor Gill’s local church, St. Mary’s in Thorpe, Councillor Gill decided that she would not appoint a chaplain at the current time. |
Appointment of Deputy Mayor The Council, at its meeting on 25 April 2024, resolved that Councillor Margaret Harnden be nominated at the Annual Council Meeting for the office of Deputy Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year.
To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year. Minutes: It was proposed (by Councillor Mullens), seconded (by Councillor Clarke) and resolved that Councillor Margaret Harnden be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the 2024/25 municipal year. |
Declaration by Deputy Mayor of Acceptance of Office Minutes: The statutory declaration of acceptance of office was made and signed by Councillor Harnden, who thanked the Council for her appointment.
Councillor Gill presented the Badge of Office to Councillor Harnden. |
Appointment of Deputy Mayor's Consort The newly appointed Deputy Mayor will announce their consort. Minutes: Councillor Harnden said that she would announce her consort at a later date. |
Mayor's Announcements Minutes: Councillor Gill thanked the outgoing Mayor and her consort for representing the borough admirably over the past 12 months, welcomed newly-elected councillors to the chamber, and promoted a culture of respect, tolerance and kindness to fellow councillors and residents.
The Mayor announced that her chosen charities would be Runnymede Dementia Carer’s Support and Egham Band Youth Brass Project.
The Mayor also announced that she hoped to launch a grants programme for environmental projects and civic pride. Further details would follow in due course. |
Constitution of the Council 1. To note that the Constitution, approved at Council on 25 April 2024, will apply for the 2024/25 municipal year (subject to any in-year amendments).
2. To consider any further amendments to the Constitution.
Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Officers have been notified of the intention to appoint Co-Leaders of the Council. As the current Constitution does not provide for this arrangement, officers were asked to draft an amendment to the Standing Orders for the Council’s consideration:
6.1. The Council may appoint a Leader or Co-Leaders to exercise any functions falling to the Leader under these Standing Orders, the Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation, statute, or any other lawful authority.
6.2. However created, a Leader may appoint a Deputy Leader to exercise the Leader’s functions in their absence. They must make the appointment by notice in writing to the Chief Executive. Where the Council has chosen to appoint Co-Leaders, the role of Deputy Leader shall cease to exist.
6.3. The procedure shall be that set out in Standing Order 25.5, save that the proposer may have up to five minutes to advance the case for his nominated candidate and the seconder one minute, whether or not any other candidates have been nominated.
[Original text:
6.1 If there is no majority group, the Council itself may appoint a Leader to exercise any functions falling to the Leader under these Standing Orders, the Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation, statute, or any other lawful authority.
6.2 However created, the Leader may appoint a Deputy Leader to exercise their functions in their absence. They must make the appointment by notice in writing to the Chief Executive.
6.3 The procedure shall be that set out in Standing Order 25.5, save that the proposer may have up to five minutes to advance the case for their nominated candidate and the seconder one minute, whether or not any other candidates have been nominated.]
1. To note that the Constitution, approved at Council on 25 April 2024, will apply for the 2024/25 municipal year (subject to any in-year amendments).
2. To consider whether the amendment above, in relation to providing a mechanism to appoint Co-Leaders, should be approved.
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gillham and seconded by Councillor Ringham that the Council adopt the recommendations set out in the supplementary summons published on 14 May 2024.
It was further proposed (by Councillor Nuti) and seconded (by Councillor Cunningham) that consideration of the proposed amendments relating to provisions to enable the appointment of Co-Leaders (recommendation 2 of the supplementary summons issued on 14 May 2024) be deferred to such time that they, along with any consequential governance matters, had been reviewed by the Constitution Member Working Party and the Corporate Management Committee.
A named vote was requested on Councillor Nuti’s proposal with the voting noted as follows:
For (16): Councillors Clarke, M.D. Cressey, M.K. Cressey, Cunningham, Furey, Gracey, Howorth, Hulley, Lewis, Mann, Mavi, Nuti, Saise-Marshall, Snow, Tucker-Brown, Wilson.
Against (25): Councillors Gill, Harnden, Berardi, Davies, Gahir, Gates, Gillham, Graham, Jenkins, Kettle, A. King, R. King, Lee, Mehta, Milstead, Moudgil, Mullens, Parry, Ringham, Rowsell, Singh, Smith, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams.
Abstentions (0): -
The proposal to defer consideration of the proposed amendments relating to provisions to enable the appointment of Co-Leaders therefore FELL.
Separate named votes were requested on each element of the substantive proposed motion. The voting was noted as follows:
Recommendation 1: To note that the Constitution, approved at Council on 25 April 2024, would apply for the 2024/25 municipal year (subject to any in-year amendments).
For (37): Councillors Gill, Harnden, Berardi, Clarke, Davies, Gahir, Gates, Gillham, Gracey, Graham, Howorth, Hulley, Jenkins, Kettle, A. King, R. King, Lee, Lewis, Mann, Mavi, Mehta, Milstead, Moudgil, Mullens, Nuti, Parry, Ringham, Rowsell, Saise-Marshall, Singh, Smith, Snow, Tucker-Brown, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams, Wilson.
Against (4): Councillors M.D. Cressey, M.K. Cressey, Cunningham, Furey.
Abstentions (0): -
It was resolved that it be noted that the Constitution, approved at Council on 25 April 2024, would apply for the 2024/25 municipal year (subject to any in-year amendments).
Recommendation 2: To consider whether an amendment to standing orders to provide a mechanism to appoint Co-Leaders should be approved.
For (25): Councillors Gill, Harnden, Berardi, Davies, Gahir, Gates, Gillham, Graham, Jenkins, Kettle, A. King, R. King, Lee, Mehta, Milstead, Moudgil, Mullens, Parry, Ringham, Rowsell, Singh, Smith, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams.
Against (16): Councillors Clarke, M.D. Cressey, M.K. Cressey, Cunningham, Furey, Gracey, Howorth, Hulley, Lewis, Mann, Mavi, Nuti, Saise-Marshall, Snow, Tucker-Brown, Wilson.
Abstentions (0): -
It was resolved that the proposed amendments, as set out in the supplementary summons of 14 May 2024, to enable the appointment of Co-Leaders, be approved. |
Appointment of Leader of the Council To appoint a Leader of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 6.
Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Officers have been notified of the intention to appoint the following councillors as Co-leaders of the Council:
1. Linda Gillham 2. Robert King 3. Steve Ringham 4. Don Whyte
A need to review the Members’ Allowances Scheme, should Co-Leaders be appointed, has been identified. The Independent Remuneration Panel must be consulted on any proposed amendments to the Members’ Allowances Scheme, prior to any proposals being considered by the Corporate Management Committee and the Council.
1. To appoint a Leader, or Co-Leaders, in accordance with Standing Order 6.
2. In the event of Co-Leaders being appointed:
a) The Council request officers consult the Independent Remuneration Panel about the structure of the special responsibility allowances for the Leader and Deputy Leader and make recommendations to the Corporate Management Committee and the Council.
b) The payment of the Leader and Deputy Leader special responsibility allowances be delayed until directed otherwise by the Council. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Jenkins that:
1) Councillors Gillham, R. King, Ringham and D. Whyte be appointed as Co-Leaders, in accordance with amended Standing Order 6.
2) Officers be asked to consult the Independent Remuneration Panel about the structure of the special responsibility allowances for the Leader and Deputy Leader and make recommendations to the Corporate Management Committee and the Council.
3) Payment of the Leader and Deputy Leader special responsibility allowances be delayed until directed otherwise by the Council.
It was further proposed by Councillor Snow and seconded by Councillor Gracey that Councillor Gillham be appointed as the sole Leader of the Council.
Following the debate a named vote was requested on the proposal to appoint Councillor Gillham as the sole Leader of the Council. The voting was noted as follows:
For (16): Councillors Clarke, M.D. Cressey, M.K. Cressey, Cunningham, Furey, Gracey, Howorth, Hulley, Lewis, Mann, Mavi, Nuti, Saise-Marshall, Snow, Tucker-Brown, Wilson.
Against (25): Councillors Gill, Harnden, Berardi, Davies, Gahir, Gates, Gillham, Graham, Jenkins, Kettle, A. King, R. King, Lee, Mehta, Milstead, Moudgil, Mullens, Parry, Ringham, Rowsell, Singh, Smith, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams.
Abstentions (0): -
The proposal to appoint Councillor Gillham as the sole Leader of the Council FELL.
The substantive motion, to appoint Councillors Gillham, R. King, Ringham and D. Whyte as Co-Leaders, was therefore put to the vote.
It was resolved that:
1) Councillors Gillham, R. King, Ringham and D. Whyte be appointed as Co-Leaders in accordance with amended Standing Order 6.
2) Officers be asked to consult the Independent Remuneration Panel about the structure of the special responsibility allowances for the Leader and Deputy Leader and make recommendations to the Corporate Management Committee and the Council.
3) Payment of the Leader and Deputy Leader special responsibility allowances be delayed until directed otherwise by the Council. |
To confirm and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 25 April 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2024 were agreed and signed as a correct record. |
Speaking or Questions from Members of the Public under Standing Order 12 In pursuance of Standing Order 12.1, public questions or speaking is not permitted at this meeting. Minutes: In pursuance of Standing Order 12.1, public questions or speaking was not permitted at the meeting. |
Petitions To receive any petitions from members of the Council under Standing Order 19. Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Questions from Members of the Council under Standing Order 13 In pursuance of Standing Order 13.1 v), questions from members of the Council are not permitted at this meeting. Minutes: In pursuance of Standing Order 13.1 v), questions from members of the council were not permitted at the meeting. |
Appointment of Committees |
Establishment of committees and sub-committees To establish committees and sub-committees, for the 2024/25 municipal year, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Council’s Constitution.
· No further sub-committees can be created without the express approval of Council, unless referred to in the Constitution (in accordance with Standing Order 22.2). · Notwithstanding the Standing Appointments Sub-Committee listed above, the only other "standing" sub-committees currently approved are Licensing Sub-Committees, and Standards and Audit Sub-Committees which meet as and when required. · The Standing Council Tax Setting Committee meets as and when required, in accordance with its terms of reference.
To establish the committees and sub-committees in accordance with the Constitutional arrangements set out above. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gillham, seconded by Councillor Ringham and resolved that the Council establish the committees and sub-committees in accordance with the arrangements set out in the summons. |
Allocation of seats to political groups PDF 181 KB Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 sets out how ordinary Committees must be constituted when the authority is divided into one or more political groups. The authority is to give effect, as far as reasonably practicable, to the following four principles when constituting its committees or sub-committees:
a) that not all the seats on the committee or sub-committee are allocated to the same political group;
b) that the majority of the seats on the committee or sub-committee are allocated to a particular political group if the number of persons belonging to that group is a majority of the authority's membership;
c) subject to paragraphs (a) and (b) above, that the number of seats on the ordinary committees of a relevant authority which are allocated to each political group bears the same proportion to the total of all the seats on the ordinary committees of that Authority as is borne by the number of members of that group to the membership of the authority; and
d) subject to paragraphs (a) to (c) above, that the number of the seats on the committee or sub-committee which are allocated to each political group bears the same proportion to the number of all the seats on that body as is borne by the number of members of that group to the membership of the Authority.
It is important to note that the commonly accepted definition of a “political group” is a grouping of two or more members. Independent councillors therefore do not have an entitlement to a seat on a committee, although the Council is at liberty to allocate seats to independent councillors, should it so wish.
The Licensing Committee is separately constituted under the Licensing Act 2003. There is no statutory requirement for political balance but it has been the practice of the authority to ensure that this committee is constituted with consideration for proportionality arrangements. The Licensing Committee is therefore included in the wider calculations.
Further information on the calculated entitlement to seats on committees, and recommendations on the proposed allocation of seats to political groups, are to follow after discussions between group leaders.
Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Officers have been notified of the intention to form a new group on the Council. The calculated entitlement to seats, pending receipt of formal notification of this group coming into existence, has been attached to the supplementary summons. Potential seat allocations, pending discussions between group leaders, are also attached to the supplementary summons.
1. That the calculated entitlement to seats on committees be noted. 2. That the allocation of seats on committees to political groups be agreed.
Supplementary summons – 15 May 2024
Following discussions between group leaders, a revised set of proposed seat allocations to political groups are attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gillham, seconded by Councillor Ringham and resolved that the allocation of seats to political groups, as set out in the supplementary summons published on 14 May 2024, be approved. |
Appointment of members to committees and sub-committees To appoint members to serve on the above-mentioned committees and sub-committees, in accordance with the arrangements set out in the Council’s Constitution and the wishes of political groups.
Members are reminded that should the need for a change in membership arise during the year, under Standing Order 22.8 the Chief Executive, Corporate Head of Law and Governance, or Democratic Services Manager, are authorised to make and change appointments to committees and sub-committees in accordance with the wishes of the relevant political group.
The following provisions, with regard to membership of certain committees and sub-committees, apply:
· The membership of the Crime and Disorder Committee is that of the Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee · The membership of the Regulatory Committee is drawn from the membership of the Licensing Committee · The membership of Licensing Sub-Committees are drawn from the Licensing Committee, as and when required · The membership of Standards and Audit Sub-Committees are drawn from the Standards and Audit Committee, as and when required · The membership of the Standing Council Tax Setting Committee is that of the Corporate Management Committee
To seek to avoid any legal difficulties in making substitute appointments during the year, the Council is asked to agree what Members other than those originally appointed should be eligible for membership of Committees or Sub-Committees. It is suggested that any other Member of the Council from the political groups be eligible, so as to maximise flexibility.
It should be noted that substitution arrangements do not apply to the Licensing Committee and that substitutes for the Planning Committee will be required to have undertaken appropriate training.
Proposed appointments to committees will follow, at the conclusion of discussions between group leaders.
Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Group leaders have not been able to put forward details of groups’ appointments, as this task is reliant on having agreement between group leaders on the allocation of seats to political groups.
That the Council note that group leaders can make appointments to committees in accordance with Standing Order 22.8. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gillham, seconded by Councillor Ringham and resolved that the Council note that group leaders could make appointments to committees in accordance with Standing Order 22.8. |
Englefield Green Committee The lease with the Crown Estate provides that the members of the committee are to be the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and the councillors representing the two Englefield Green Wards, together with “two other persons to be selected by the lessees (i.e. the Council) from amongst the occupying tenants of the several houses from round the Green set out in the Schedule hereto and of such other houses (if any) around the Green as may from time to time be fixed or appointed by the lessor (i.e. the Crown Estate) but in making such selections the lessees shall have regard to the wishes of the general body of such occupying tenants which may be conveyed to the lessees in writing or be ascertained by the lessees in such way as they may consider expedient”.
If elected member representation is entirely local, the political balance requirements will not apply to the Committee in 2024/2025. However, if either the Mayor or Deputy Mayor is not an Englefield Green Member it will be necessary for them to stand down from the Committee to avoid conflict with the Act in line with established practice.
In relation to residents’ representatives, for many years the Council’s practice has been to write to all the ‘qualifying tenants’ to seek nominations. The process for ascertaining residents’ wishes is not a vote. If ‘the general body’ of qualifying residents expresses wishes, the Council must take those wishes into account. This means that it must fairly and properly consider the wishes. Having done so, it must use its judgment to make its own decision.
Three nominations from qualifying tenants have been received:
1. Nigel Bromilow 2. Richard McGregor-Johnson 3. James Saunders
Curriculum vitaes for the nominees above are attached as exempt appendices.
1. To appoint the councillors representing the wards of Englefield Green East and West Ward Members to the Englefield Green Committee
2. To appoint two local residents' representatives.
Background papers - Crown Lease for Englefield Green Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gates, seconded by Councillor Gahir and resolved that the councillors representing the wards of Englefield Green East and Englefield Green West, along with local residents’ representatives Mr Nigel Bromilow and Mr Richard McGregor-Johnson, be appointed to the Englefield Green Committee. |
Appointment of chairs and vice-chairs of Committees To appoint chairs and vice-chairs to the following committees:
· Corporate Management Committee · Environment and Sustainability Committee · Housing Committee · Community Services Committee · Planning Committee · Licensing Committee · Regulatory Committee · Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee · Crime and Disorder Committee · Standards and Audit Committee · Englefield Green Committee
Unlisted committees and sub-committees may elect chairs and vice-chairs, as and when required, in accordance with existing custom and practice.
That the Council appoint a chair and vice-chair to the committees above.
Supplementary summons – 15 May 2024
Officers have been notified of the following proposals for chairs and vice-chairs of committees:
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that the appointment of chairs and vice-chairs to the Council’s committees, as set out in the supplementary summons issued on 15 May 2024, be agreed. |
Designation of minority groups Consideration of this item will only be required if there is no single group with a majority of the seats on the Council.
The Council’s Constitution provides the following provision for designating minority groups, for the purposes of consideration of minority group business in accordance with Standing Order 23:
“a political group which is not the majority group, if there is a majority group. If there is no majority group, the Council may designate any political group or groups as a minority group for the purposes of Standing Orders”.
The Council is invited to consider which groups it wishes to designate as minority groups for the purposes of Standing Order 23. This item may be subject to reconsideration, should there be any changes in the political groups represented on the Council.
Officer’s recommendation:
That the Council agree which groups on the Council be formally designated as “minority groups” for the purposes of Standing Order 23. Minutes: Consideration of this item was not required because one group had a majority of the seats on the Council. |
Appointment to the Surrey Environment Partnership 2024/25 Councillor L Gillham was the Council’s representative in 2023/24.
The Council is asked to agree its representative on the Surrey Environment Partnership for 2024/25. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Gillham, seconded by Councillor Ringham and resolved that Councillor D. Whyte be appointed to the Surrey Environment Partnership for 2024/25. |
Appointment to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel Following the decision of former Councillor Nick Prescot, who was appointed to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel in 2023 for a four year term, to not stand at the election on 2 May 2024, a vacancy has arisen on the Panel. Runnymede Borough Council is invited to appoint a representative to the Panel, in accordance with the Panel’s Constitution, for a term of office to be agreed by the Council.
Further details about the work of the Surrey Police and Crime Panel can be found on the Surrey County Council website.
Officers consider an appropriate term of office to be one year. Should members agree to a one year appointment, this item will feature on the summons of future annual meetings of the Council, along with other relevant appointments.
The Council is asked to:
1. Agree its appointment to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel. 2. Agree a term of office of one year for the appointed individual. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that:
1) Councillor Smith be appointed to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel for 2024/25.
2) That a one year term of office be agreed. |
Nominations to Surrey Leaders' Group (SLG) To consider nominations to the SLG for possible appointment to the following bodies for a period of three years to June 2027. Any members wishing to have their nomination considered by the SLG are required to have completed and returned a nomination form to by the end of Monday 29 May 2024. Democratic Services will issue nomination forms after the annual meeting of the Council.
That the Council agree its nominations to each available position, subject to nominees providing their completed nomination form to the Democratic Services by the end of Monday 27 May 2024 i.e. nomination forms not received by this time will invalidate the nomination.
Supplementary summons – 15 May 2024
In the event that Co-Leaders are appointed, the Council will need to determine which individual will represent Runnymede on the Surrey Leaders’ Group.
To agree, in the event that Co-Leaders are appointed, which Co-Leader will represent Runnymede Borough Council on the Surrey Leaders’ Group. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that Councillor Gillham be Runnymede Borough Council’s appointed Co-Leader to the Surrey Leaders’ Group for 2024/25. |
Adults and Health Select Committee Representatives may not be members of the Corporate Management Committee.
One position available. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that Councillor A. King be nominated to the Adult and Health Select Committee for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
High Sheriff Award One position available. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King and seconded by Councillor D. Whyte that councillor Harnden be nominated to the High Sheriff Award for 2024/25.
It was proposed by Councillor Snow and seconded by Councillor Gracey that councillor Saise-Marshall be nominated to the High Sheriff Award for 2024/25.
It was resolved that Councillor Harnden be nominated as the Council’s representative to the High Sheriff Award for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
Surrey County Council Pension Fund Committee One position available.
Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Following the local election, an additional vacancy has arisen on the Surrey County Council Pension Fund Committee. There are therefore now two vacancies on this body. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that Councillor R. King be nominated to the Surrey County Council Pension Fund Committee for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust One position available. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that Councillor Howorth be nominated to the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
Active Surrey Sports Partners Forum One position available. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor D. Whyte and resolved that Councillor Ringham be nominated to the Adult and Health Select Committee for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership Supplementary summons – 14 May 2024
Following the local election, one vacancy has arisen on the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R. King, seconded by Councillor Ringham and resolved that Councillor Williams be nominated to the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership for 2024/25, subject to the requisite application form being returned to Democratic Services by the deadline listed in the summons. |
Notices of Motion from Members of the Council under Standing Order 15 No motions have been received under Standing Order 15. Minutes: There were no notices of motion. |
Minority Group Priority Business No minority group business has been received in accordance with Standing Order 23.
Minutes: There was no minority group priority business. |
Press and Public to be Excluded by Resolution To consider any items so resolved at the meeting. Minutes: There was no exempt business. |