Law & Governance Service Review


The Committee considered the final revised proposals for the Council’s Legal Services business unit, further to consultation with staff and UNISON and updates on the recruitment of staff in Democratic Services and Election Services.    


At its meeting on 20 January 2022, the Committee had considered a report on a service review of the Council’s Law and Governance Business Centre. The review contained proposals in respect of three of the Teams within Law and Governance – Democratic Services, Elections Services and Legal Services.  Further to the voluntary early retirement of two existing officers, the Committee had agreed to create two new posts of Head of Democratic Services and Deputy Head of Democratic Services.  The Committee noted the progress which had been made in recruiting to both of these posts.  The Committee had also agreed the funding required for a new Elections Assistant post to be added to the Elections Team.  The Committee was advised that recruitment to this post had been put on hold until after the forthcoming local election.  


At its meeting on 20 January 2022, the Committee had also approved a series of proposed new Legal posts which were required to support the Council’s property management and procurement activities which were core Legal services fundamental to the delivery of the Council’s functions and financial well-being.  The Committee had agreed that a staff consultation be commenced regarding the proposed changes and that UNISON be consulted on the changes. As a result of the staff consultation, there were some changes to the proposals for the Legal Services business unit.   


The proposed changes arising from the consultation in respect of Legal Services included  not proceeding with two Legal Support Officer posts on the basis that the tasks that those officers would have carried out could be undertaken by existing staff. This resulted in the retention of a post that had been proposed to be deleted in the report to the Committee on 20 January 2022 and the regradings, additional hours and revised Job Descriptions as set out in resolutions vi) and vii) below.  The savings created by these changes could be repurposed to increasing the hours of two of the newly created posts without requiring any additional budget.  The Committee noted a revised structure for the Legal Services Team. One existing post was now proposed to be deleted. It was also proposed to enter into a Service Level Agreement with an external legal service provider as set out in resolution viii) below. The Committee noted the legal and environmental/sustainability/biodiversity implications of these proposals and an Equality Screening Assessment for the proposed changes in the Legal Services business unit.


The Committee gave detailed consideration to UNISON comments on the Legal Services Review and officers advised Members on the reasoning for the revised proposals which were now being put forward and on the consultation process which had been followed. 

Having considered the responses of officers, the Committee approved the final revised proposals for the Council’s Legal Services business unit.                 


i)          the revised changes to the establishment list as set out in paragraph 2.10 of the report be approved; 


ii)         commencement of the external recruitment exercise be authorised to  appoint to the following newly created and regraded existing posts:


a.          Posts D0046 and D0047 Principal Solicitors (Property) (2 posts) (at grade SMA plus MFS);

b.         New Principal Solicitor (Contracts) (at grade SMA);

c.          Post D0048 Senior Solicitor (Contracts) (at grade MMB); 

iii)        the post as reported be deleted from the current establishment list;


iv)        a supplementary revenue estimate be approved in the sum reported for redundancy payments and pension strain costs payable further to the deletion of the post referred to at resolution iii) above;


v)         the post as reported be retained and the proposed posts of Legal Support Officer (Property) and Legal Support Officer not be proceeded with;   


vi)        the revised salary grading of the two existing posts as reported to the grades reported be approved and the additional hours per week of one of those posts be agreed as reported; 


vii)       it be noted that the Corporate Head of Law and Governance in consultation with the Corporate Head of Human Resources will approve the revised Job Descriptions for the officers mentioned in recommendation vi) above; and   


viii)      delegated authority be given to the Corporate Head of Law and Governance further to consulting the Chief Executive to enter into a Service Level Agreement with the legal service provider as reported to take on the legal work as reported from the date as reported.