2022 Annual Report on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing


The Committee received for information the annual report on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing for 2021/2022.


Members were concerned to learn that the number of licensed drivers and vehicles had further declined since the last annual report, the speed at which this had happened was exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic and national shortage of drivers.  In addition there were fewer younger drivers taking up the Trade and others leaving to find more secure employment.


The Committee reviewed other statistics regarding mileage, vehicle ages, and vehicle emission standards.  The Council continued to have a policy of having no limits to the age of vehicles to assist drivers by not having to replace their cars if still roadworthy at regular intervals unless they chose to.


Officers advised they were in regular contact with the Trade using a number of different routes to keep them updated and to ensure their paperwork was up to date.  It was reported that the taxi forum meetings held 3 times a year were an important way of talking informally with drivers and operators, although they were not very well attended.  The one in March 2022 only attracted three attendees but the most recent one in May was attended by 13 people, in addition to the Officers present.  Officers agreed to inform the Committee when the next forums were taking place


Officers were pleased to report that they received few complaints about drivers but that when they did it was a time consuming process to ensure complaints were thoroughly investigated and documented should they result in a hearing.  There had been no suspensions revocations or refusals in 2021/2022.


All drivers and operators had completed the on-line mandatory safeguarding training and were subscribing to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Update service which allowed Officers to check their record on-line when renewing licences.


In terms of future changes Officers planned to report on the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act and mandatory disability training for drivers to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee in September 2022.


Future licensing arrangements in the context of the Government’s Levelling Up White Paper would be reported to a future meeting as and when a decision had been made whether to transfer taxi licensing to combined and upper tier authorities.  The Chairman also undertook to brief the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council on this subject.


The Committee discussed electric vehicles.  It was noted that currently the infrastructure did not support them sufficiently and they were very costly.  It was asked whether the Council held information on whether emissions correlated with the age of vehicles.  Officers confirmed they did not monitor this but would need to consider the Council’s corporate position on Climate Change and the implications for the Trade. 


Members noted the many burdens on drivers financially and in order to be licensed.  However it was agreed there was a need for balance to ensure drivers were fit and proper and to protect passengers.


The provision of taxi ranks particularly in Egham was discussed.  The Committee was disappointed that the new Magna Square development had no provision for them.  The Chairman had followed this up previously and received confirmation from the Corporate Head of Assets and Regeneration on the matter.

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