Refurbishment of Tennis Courts an Increased Participation Project


The Committee was asked to consider an opportunity to secure funding for a significant investment into the borough’s outdoor facilities for tennis via funding from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA).  It was proposed that the Council would enter into an agreement with them to deliver the project.


Following an inspection by the LTA, the five sites that would benefit were Gogmore Farm Park, Ottershaw Memorial Fields, Victory Park, Chertsey Recreation Ground and Heathervale Recreation Ground.  Subject to funding being secured, each would have access gates installed and use the LTA’s ClubSpark booking platform.  The Council would manage the court bookings in-house and an external tennis provider would deliver coaching at each venue.  Members were content with this approach.


The Committee was fully supportive of the initiative which the Council’s Leisure Client and Development Officer had actively pursued.  He was commended for work undertaken so far to bring this exciting project to realisation.  Members agreed this actively met the Council’s ambition with regard to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Committee agreed that improving tennis facilities would benefit people of all ages and abilities as well as having access for disabled people and opportunities for more community use.  To that end Officers would work with local Community Groups such as the club at Gogmore Farm Park who regularly used the tennis courts.


Flexibility in service provision and delivery was emphasised within the criteria set by the Lawn Tennis Association with whom the Council would enter into partnership for the project.  It was agreed to enquire of the LTA whether there was any flexibility to have other activities similar to tennis such as pickleball, providing the tennis court markings were the permanent ones.


Members noted that Corporate Management Committee’s approval would be required for some of the financial aspects of the project.  These were to approve a Capital Estimate in the sum of £168,000, to be funded by the grant awarded by the Lawn Tennis Association, and approve the creation of a new earmarked reserve and an annual transfer of any unused court maintenance works associated with the courts.


Members approved the proposed charging structure and budget, which would be flexible enough to encourage participation by low income families and the disabled as well as promoting opportunities for other people with protected characteristics. 



Cost per annum

General Maintenance Reserve Contribution


Gate maintenance & Data contract


ClubSpark transaction fees


LTA Venue Registration Fee


Marketing Budget


Contingency Budget


Tennis Equipment Scheme


Community Coaching Budget


Expenditure total






Plausible income from Season Pass sales (£36 - 400 sales)


Plausible income from P&P bookings (£5-3320 sales)


Coaching profit (minimum)


Income Total


Net Cost



The Committee agreed that a £5 charge for Pay and Play and an annual household charge of £36 was reasonable, with free tennis being offered to households in receipt of universal credit; other benefits would also be taken into account.  The charging structure was necessary so that the sites could be maintained to the required standard.


The legal and equalities implications were noted, including the full Equalities Impact Assessment highlighting the positive outcomes expected for people with protected characteristics.


Members approved that delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Community Services Committee, once full details had been received and considered. 


RESOLVED  that –


i)          the Council enters into a partnership arrangement with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), in order to secure funding for the refurbishment of the Council’s Park tennis courts;


ii)         Corporate Management Committee be requested to agree a Capital Estimate in the sum of £168,000 for the works to the courts, to be entirely funded from the grant awarded by the LTA;


iii)        the proposed charging structure be approved and the proposed project budget if funding is successful;


iv)        Corporate Management Committee be requested to agree to the creation of a new Earmarked Reserve and an annual transfer of any unused court maintenance budget into it to specifically fund the future maintenance works associated with the courts; and


v)         subject to the proposed terms not requiring the Council to incur any expenditure beyond that approved, this Committee is requested to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Community Services Committee, to enter into an agreement with the Lawn Tennis Association once full details have been received and considered


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