RU.22/1421 - The Savill Building, Wick Lane, Englefield Green, Surrey, TW20 0UU


Proposal: Full planning permission for proposed temporary Light Trail Event, starting and ending from The Savill Garden Visitor Centre Car Park and circumnavigating the Obelisk Pond along established footpaths/tracks.


The committee identified traffic management as one of the key issues facing the application.  The Corporate Head of Development Management and Building Control advised that whilst management of the highway was a County Council matter, a routing agreement had been provided and it had been deemed that the road usage associated with the event was suitable.  Furthermore it would not be appropriate to impose a condition to require marshals to direct traffic.


In response to a question from a Member, the Corporate Head of Development Management and Building Control confirmed that consideration had been given to routing traffic to the Virginia Water car park for a park & ride to the event, however this had been ruled out by the applicant for operational reasons.


The Committee raised concerns about the possible sound generated from the event, and it was advised that low-level festive music would be played but noise barriers had been put in place for the nearest properties, and the attraction that generated the most volume at last year’s event would not be at this year’s event.  The Council’s Environmental Health team had assessed the application and deemed the noise levels appropriate.


Concern was also raised from some Members about the narrow, unlit walkway alongside Wick Lane.  The impact of the additional traffic was likely to render this stretch unavailable to walkers, however whilst acknowledging this it was considered that the economic benefits of the event outweighed the inconvenience of the few people likely to be on foot in the area during the dark winter months.


In the event of permission being granted, the Corporate Head of Development Management and Building Control confirmed that any amendments to the route or allocation of the attractions would mean the application would need to return to Planning Committee to seek approval.


In response to a Member’s concern about ecological impacts – particularly around bats – the Corporate Head of Development Management and Building Control highlighted that one of the conditions of the application was the completion of annual ecological appraisal carried out by a professional ecologist.  Should issues be identified through this process then mitigation would need to be put in place, such as routing away from a particular roost.


Whilst the application was for a four year term, in light of most of the Committee being in favour of a shorter timeframe to be able to monitor the impact, the Corporate Head of Development Management and Building Control recommended amending permission to two years, with additional conditions for noise, light and traffic.  The onus would be on the applicant to provide the information set out in the additional conditions.


Resolved that –


The CHDMBC be authorised to grant planning permission subject to planning conditions 1-10 and informatives 1-2, which also includes amending the description of the development, to reduce the timeframe from four years to two years, as well as additional monitoring conditions relating to noise, light and traffic.


Mr Lee Simon, an objector, and Mr Stephen Flint-Wood the applicant, addressed the committee on this application.

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