2023/24 Budget and Council Tax - recommendation from the Corporate Management Committee

In accordance with The Local Authorities Standing Orders (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote must be taken on this item.


The report and appendices associated with this recommendation were circulated to all members with the agenda for the meeting of the Corporate Management Committee and are available on the website.


The proposed budget had been prepared following consideration of various documents at previous meetings of the committee, such as the Medium Term Financial Strategy.  Some of the proposed expenditure, such as various surveys, would dictate the potential need for further expenditure (both revenue and capital) but would also enable project phasing to be undertaken in a managed way.


A significant budget deficit had been forecasted in the medium term.  The projected deficit did not include unforeseen expenditure that would be considered as in-year supplementary estimates, nor any growth in future years.  Due to the challenging financial circumstances expected in the coming years, an increase to the General Fund working balance (from £3 million to £5 million) was proposed.


The committee noted the comprehensive nature of the statutory Section 151 Officer’s statement.


It was felt by some that there were omissions in the budget, in particular for the most deprived residents impacted by the cost of housing in the borough, and those with long term health needs.  It was also suggested that more needed to be done to generate income from trade waste.


The outcome of discussions with staff representatives about the annual pay settlement was awaited.  There were further discussions about the utilisation of officer expertise and available bandwidth to delivery projects.


Questions were asked about the progress being made on the Council’s climate change strategy.  A revised action plan, for future review by members, was being developed by officers.  Due to the comprehensiveness of the action plan, significant engagement across council departments was required before the review could be completed.


A named vote was requested, with the voting noted as follows:


For the motion (8)


Councillors T Gracey, Cressy, Cunningham, J Gracey, Heath, Nuti, Willingale and Wilson.


Against the motion (4)


Councillors Gillham, R King, Mullens and D Whyte.


Abstentions (0)


It was resolved that:


1) The following be recommended for approval by Council on 9 February 2023:


a)    the Revised Budget for 2022/23 and Budget Estimates for 2023/24, including growth items, as set out in the report and at Appendices B, C and E;

b)    an increase to the Band D Council Tax level of 2.99% (£5.37) from £179.55 to £185.92;

c)     the revised minimum threshold for the General Fund Working Balance of £5m; and

d)    transfers to and from Reserves as set out in the report.


2) The following be noted:


a)    The updated Medium-Term Financial Forecast at Appendix A.

b)    The statement of the Chief Financial Officer at Appendix F.


It was proposed (by Councillor T. Gracey) and seconded (by Councillor Howorth) that the recommendation of the Corporate Management Committee be agreed.


It was proposed (by Councillor R. King) and seconded (by Councillor D. Whyte) that the Revenue Budget be amended in accordance with the published proposed amendments from the Labour and Co-operative, Liberal Democrat, Green and Independent Alliance, and Runnymede Independent Residents Groups.


A named vote was required on the proposed amendment and the voting was as follows:


For the amendment (13)


Councillors Berardi, Burton, Davies, Gill, Gillham, Jenkins, A. King, R. King, Mullens, Ringham, D. Whyte, S. Whyte and Williams.


Against the amendment (23)


Councillors Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Broadhead, Bromley, Coen, Cotty, Cressy, Cunningham, Darby, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, N. King, Lewis, Mann, Nuti, Prescot, Snow, Walsh, Willingale and Wilson.


Abstentions (1)


Councillor Harnden.


The proposed amendment fell.


It was proposed (by Councillor Mullens) and seconded (by Councillor Gillham) that the Revenue Budget be amended in accordance with the published proposed amendments from the Runnymede Independent Residents Group.


A named vote was required on the proposed amendment and the voting was as follows:


For the amendment (15)


Councillors Harnden, Berardi, Burton, Davies, Gill, Gillham, Jenkins, A. King, R. King, Mann, Mullens, Ringham, D. Whyte, S. Whyte and Williams.


Against the amendment (21)


Councillors Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Broadhead, Bromley, Coen, Cotty, Cunningham, Darby, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, N. King, Lewis, Nuti, Prescot, Snow, Walsh, Willingale and Wilson.


Abstentions (1)


Councillor Cressey.


The proposed amendment fell.


Separate named votes were requested on each part of the officer’s recommendation.


Proposed motion a)


That the Revised Budget for 2022/23 and Budget Estimates for 2023/24, including growth items, as set out in the report and at Appendices B, C and E be approved.


For the motion (23)


Councillors Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Broadhead, Bromley, Coen, Cotty, Cressy, Cunningham, Darby, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, N. King, Lewis, Mann, Nuti, Prescot, Snow, Walsh, Willingale and Wilson.


Against the motion (14)


Councillors Harnden, Berardi, Burton, Davies, Gill, Gillham, Jenkins, A. King, R. King, Mullens, Ringham, D. Whyte, S. Whyte and Williams.


Abstentions (0)


The motion was carried.


Proposed motion b)


That an increase to the Band D Council Tax level of 2.99% (£5.37) from £179.55 to £184.92 be agreed.


For the motion (34)


Councillors Harnden, Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Berardi, Broadhead, Bromley, Burton, Coen, Cotty, Cressy, Cunningham, Darby, Gill, Gillham, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, Jenkins, N. King, Lewis, Mann, Mullens, Nuti, Prescot, Ringham, Snow, Walsh, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams, Willingale and Wilson.


Against the motion (2)


Councillors Davies and R. King.


Abstentions (1)


Councillor A. King.


The motion was carried.


Proposed motion c)


That a revised minimum threshold of £5m for the General Fund Working Balance be agreed.


For the motion (37)


Councillors Harnden, Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Berardi, Broadhead, Bromley, Burton, Coen, Cotty, Cressy, Cunningham, Darby, Davies, Gill, Gillham, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, Jenkins, A. King, N. King, R. King, Lewis, Mann, Mullens, Nuti, Prescot, Ringham, Snow, Walsh, D. Whyte, S. Whyte, Williams, Willingale and Wilson.


Against the motion (0)


Abstentions (0)


The motion was carried.


Proposed motion d)


That the transfers to and from Reserves as set out in the report be agreed.


For the motion (27)


Councillors Harnden, Saise-Marshall, Balkan, Broadhead, Bromley, Coen, Cotty, Cressy, Cunningham, Darby, Gill, Gillham, J. Gracey, T. Gracey, Heath, Howorth, Hulley, Jenkins, N. King, Lewis, Mann, Nuti, Prescot, Snow, Walsh, Willingale and Wilson.


Against the motion (10)


Councillors Berardi, Burton, Davies, A. King, R. King, Mullens, Ringham, D. Whyte, S. Whyte and Williams.


Abstentions (0)


The motion was carried.


[The agenda order was changed in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.3 to take item 9 (Council Tax Resolution and Council Tax Setting Committee) at this point.]