Annual Review of the Constitution 2023


The Committee reviewed the proposed changes to the Constitution, following their review by the Constitution Member Working Party.  The way in which the changes were presented had changed from previous years, with the aim of providing greater clarity to members.  It was noted that the Corporate Management Committee agenda documents would not be reproduced for Council.


There was discussion about the proposed process for alternative budgets.  Concerns were raised about the speed at which opposition groups were expected to prepare their budget proposals.  It was however stated that the administration’s proposed budget would ordinarily be available approximately one week before the relevant Corporate Management Committee and that opposition groups would not be asked for their proposals until nearer the budget setting Council meeting.  The moveable nature of meetings meant that it was not possible to offer greater flexibility in the process.


The proposed five day expectation for staff to respond to member enquiries, having been debated by the Member Working Party, could be revisited in due course, should it be necessary.


It was resolved that the following recommendations be made to the Council on 27 April 2023.


1)    That the updates to the Constitution be adopted at the beginning of the 2023/24 municipal year i.e. from 18 May 2023 (subject to the deletion of a repetitious entry on page 168 of the agenda pack).


2)    That Surrey County Council’s withdrawal from The Runnymede Joint Committee be noted.


3)    That Runnymede Borough Council withdraws from the Runnymede Joint Committee with immediate effect, thus bringing about the Joint Committee’s dissolution.


4)    That the Corporate Head of Law and Governance be delegated authority to make any unforeseen and necessary changes to the Constitution, arising from the dissolution of the Runnymede Joint Committee, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.

Supporting documents: