Befriending Service Update


The Committee received for information, an update on the Befriending Service.


Officers advised that there was an unmet need for Befriending, which used to be provided by Age UK Runnymede and Spelthorne, up until 2016 when they closed.  The gap in provision was highlighted during the Covid 19 pandemic when the Council stepped in with a temporary resource from redeployed front line staff. 


It was agreed that providing the service in future should be through the voluntary sector and Voluntary Support North Surrey (VSNS) were the obvious organisation to do this.  Accordingly, Corporate Management Committee had approved a grant of £80,000 for two years to facilitate this utilising COMF (Contain Outbreak Management Fund) from central Government.  However, although the service model and funding had been approved it was put on hold, pending financial uncertainty over funding.  This was resolved once it had been confirmed that COMF monies could be used for this service, but had to be spent by 31 March 2023.


The Committee agreed that Befriending was a valuable tool to combat isolation and signpost people to services that would help improve their health and wellbeing.  It also supported the theme of ‘Empowering our Communities’ in the Corporate business Plan.  Members were fully supportive of the proposals and the partnership with VSNS who had positive experience of delivering this in Surrey Heath, where it was called ‘Time to Talk.’  This model would be extended to Runnymede and based in Chertsey.


Officers confirmed that instead of a formal partnership with VSNS, a service level agreement would be put in place; the key aspects of which were noted.  These included performance monitoring and regular discussions with VSNS on how the service was working. 


Members noted the importance of promotion.  This would be a collaborative project, with an important aim to recruit and retain volunteers from a range of backgrounds and experiences.  It was noted that there were other providers of Befriending.  For example volunteers like Good Neighbours and various faith groups.  It was noted that EIKON was also engaging with local schools.  VSNS would target those not in touch with these other services.


It was noted that implementation and delivery of the service in Runnymede started on 1 March 2023 and would end on 31 March 2025, inclusive of a one month transfer period.  This was because no funding had been identified beyond this point.  However, Officers would work with VSNS to try and identify future funding to make the service sustainable and independent.


Officers were asked to confirm what services were available for under 18 year olds who couldn’t access the Befriending Service and whether this was something that the Health and Wellbeing Member Working Party could consider.


Officers were also asked to confirm that former service personnel would be covered by VSNS, in accordance with the Council’s Armed Forces Covenant which had just achieved ‘silver’ status.  It was suggested that whilst Befriending was generally age related, group befriending, facilitated by matching personnel might be appropriate.


In terms of coverage Officers confirmed that Englefield Green was included as it was based on borough boundaries rather than the NHS borders.


Members welcomed the progress that had been made and thanked Officers for their valuable contribution.


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