Core Judo Your Fund Surrey Funding Application


The Committee was asked to support plans to make progress with the proposed enhancements at Thorpe Green by Core Judo, who had secured funding from ‘Your Fund Surrey’.


Officers advised that the funding from Your Fund Surrey was for resurfacing of the existing car park opposite the Core Judo site, extension of the car park, covering the former tennis court at Thorpe Green, provision of electric charging points within the car park, and provision of a green gym facility on Thorpe Green.


However, work could not commence until the Secretary of State to whom the Council would need to make an application, had given their consent to develop the site which held Common Land status.  This placed restrictions on what could be done, including the installation of permanent equipment.


Unfortunately, Core Judo were unaware of this when they applied for funding, as the status of the land had not emerged until quite recently.


A small group of Officers and elected Members had sought to move the project forward in discussion with Core Judo and Surrey County Council.  The Committee was pleased these had proven constructive and resulted in a solution so that Core Judo could receive funding in stages as each part of the project progressed.


Approval was sought to make an application to the Secretary of State to enable the extension of the car park on the existing concrete pad and for the green gym.


Some initial funding had been released by the County Council to resurface the established parking area; this was guaranteed even if the application to the Secretary of State was unsuccessful, and the project could not proceed fully.  Everyone hoped this would not happen as they were very supportive of Core Judo and the significantly positive impact they had in and for the community.


The Council would retain ownership of the site and equipment and Members were content to allow for an additional sum of £500 to be added to the Parks and Open Spaces budget for maintenance of the green gym.


To facilitate the project and the higher volume of traffic already being experienced, it was also agreed that a sum of £25,000 be vired from various underspends in Community Services to undertake works to widen the existing narrow access road, again, this required the Secretary of State’s consent as it amounted to development of Common Land.


Members reviewed a breakdown of the costs of taking the project forward as well as the legal implications, the process and timescale of applying to the Secretary of State to amend the two Schemes of Management that were applicable to Thorpe Green made in 1911 and 1965 respectively.  In practice permission to amend the Schemes was delegated to the Planning Inspectorate.  There was also a need for public consultation.


The Committee thanked Officers and the two elected Members for all the work they had completed so far to progress the project which it was considered was very worthwhile and promoted the development of valuable youth work being undertaken by Core Judo.  The positive participation from Surrey County Council was also appreciated.



i)                Members support the steps outlined in relation to the mobilisation of the project;


ii)               Members approve that the Council applies to the Secretary of State, to seek permission to amend the Scheme that applies to the Common Land at Thorpe Green to allow for:


a)         Extension of car park, covering former tennis court site on Thorpe Green and


b)         Provision of a green gym facility on Thorpe Green


        iii)            Members approve a virement in the sum reported for the above application and to undertake necessary repairs/widening to the area of Green Road, leading to The Dojo at Thorpe Green, subject to viability and feasibility studies;


        iv)            Members approve any unspent allocation from recommendation iii) as of 31 March 2023 to be carried forward to the 2023/24 financial year to progress the works;


        v)             Members note the additional costs of the maintenance of Green Gym equipment installed on Thorpe Green, from the financial year 2024/2025 onwards; and


        vi)            Members approve a virement in the sum reported, which is Counsel cost, to change the legal appropriation of the land which is currently designated as “common land” status