Open Space Development Priorities


The Committee received a report for information, setting out the priorities for the Open Space and Community Development team within Community Services.


Officers explained that this team was responsible for the strategy and associated development of the Council’s parks and open spaces as well as instigating projects to develop and support the community.  Operational matters were dealt with by Environmental Services; they were responsible for allotments, grass cutting, planting, paddling pools, play areas and day to day management and maintenance of parks and open spaces.  Members were advised to contact the operational team with regard to issues that had been raised recently.


Seven priorities for Open Space and Community Development had been identified.  These included creating new Site Management Plans to be approved by Natural England for 6 of the 7 Council owned Suitable Alternative Natural Green spaces (SANGS) and ensuring appropriate use of SANGS funding.  Members expressed concern that the SANGS management plans had not been completed and asked for an anticipated timescale for this and the development plans for all the parks and open spaces.  It was appreciated that this was a significant piece of work to be achieved by what was a very small team.


In the longer term Officers would be looking at completing a site development/management plan for each park and open space; the sheer volume of these made this work a longer term goal whilst Officers focussed on delivery of the seven key priorities.


With regard to the Play Areas Replacement Programme, Officers would present a procurement package for the improvements programme to the next scheduled meeting in September 2023.  Another important area was completion of key repairs in the Council’s play areas following the recent audit and producing a costed forward plan for them in consultation initially with the Health and Wellbeing Member Working Party (HWMWP, meeting dates to be confirmed) and establish ‘cluster’ ward councillor meetings to discuss the programme.


Members noted that work was progressing with the installation of a new skate park facility at Heathervale Recreation Ground, expected to open in 2024.  The tender was now ready to be released and Officers agreed that the delay between publicising the replacement and realising it was unfortunate.


Members were pleased to learn that the paddling pool at Runnymede Pleasure Ground would be re-opened, funded through the Trust.  However, it had been decided for a number of operational reasons not to re-open the remaining paddling pools at Victory Park, Heathervale and Chertsey Rec, pending plans to enhance water play facilities in the borough.  There were also financial considerations; capital funding over 3 years meant that one area could be focussed on each year.


Officers emphasised the collaborative work taking place with colleagues in Planning to support the Green and Blue Infrastructure plans (GBI), Biodiversity Net Gain and Climate Change and also to take a lead on the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy working with colleagues across the Council with a holistic approach.


The last priority had come through the HWMWP which was connecting communities through green spaces which would also form part of the GBI.


Members looked forward to receiving updates on this important part of the Council’s work in due course.


Members were assured that with regard to the parks and open spaces SANGS Management Plans Officers would be working closely with Surrey Wildlife Trust to ensure all the necessary aspects were covered in terms of enhancement and access.

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