The Committee was updated on the Play Area Programme and how that might be delivered.
Members were advised that the Council currently maintained 43 play areas across the borough, within Green Spaces and Housing areas. A full survey had been undertaken to identify where key repairs and/or replacement of individual items of equipment were needed and then to develop a longer term plan for replacement in consultation with local Ward Councillors.
The Committee was presented with a Repairs Budget Expenditure Plan to cover 20 play areas. Officers reported that surfacing repairs had almost been completed and several other minor repairs not included in the report. This totalled £195,000.
Members also received a pre and post consultation list ranking all 43 sites which identified 9 sites in urgent need of attention, 4 of which were in the Egham area, a further 16 classed as amber and the remaining 18 low priority. This totalled £799,000 to be drawn (subject to approval) from 10 identified areas including Section 106 monies, the Housing Business Unit, Runnymede Pleasure Grounds Trust and Community Services budgets.
Officers advised there was a shortfall of £2,000 which would be covered by the Contingency budget within the Youth Development Fund. It would also be necessary to carry forward some funding into 2024/2025 as not all the works could be carried out in 2023/2024.
Ref |
Budget |
Amount |
Type of Funding |
1 |
S106 Chertsey Recreation Ground |
£80,000 |
Developer Contributions |
2 |
S106 Englefield Green |
£80,000 |
Developer Contributions |
3 |
S106 – relating to Magna Square |
£43,000 |
Developer Contributions |
4 |
Capital Replacement Programme 23-24 |
£100,000 |
Budget Provision |
5 |
Youth Development Fund 23-24 |
£60,000 |
Budget Provision |
6 |
Housing Contribution – Garfield Rd |
£69,000 |
Budget Provision |
7 |
Housing Estates Programme |
£45,000 |
Budget Provision |
8 |
Runnymede Pleasure Grounds Trust |
£110,000 |
Future Trust Balance |
9 |
Contain Outbreak Management Fund |
£165,000 |
See COMF reference elsewhere on this agenda |
10 |
Youth Development Budget 24-25 |
£47,000 |
Provisional Budget |
Total |
£799,000 |
Play Area |
Ward |
Estimated Cost |
Replacement Year |
Funding Ref (see above table) |
Beomonds |
Chertsey St Ann’s |
£45,000 |
23/24 |
7 |
Chertsey Recreation Ground |
Chertsey Riverside |
£80,000 |
23/24 |
1 |
Surrey Towers |
Addlestone South |
£69,000 |
23/24 |
6 |
Pooley Green (young children) |
Egham Hythe |
£80,000 |
23/24 |
9 |
Hamm Moor |
Addlestone South |
£50,000 |
23/24 |
9, 5 |
King George V |
Virginia Water |
£60,000 |
23/24 |
5, 10 |
Manorcrofts |
Egham Town |
£100,000 |
23/24 |
4 |
Hythe Park |
Egham Hythe |
£80,000 |
23/24 |
9 |
Runnymede Pleasure Grounds |
Egham Town |
£150,000 |
8, 3 |
Englefield Green |
Englefield Green West |
£80,000 |
2 |
Total: |
£794,000 |
An Equalities Screening Assessment had been completed since drafting the report which identified positive implications for the protected characteristic of age and that accessibility would be an important part of the process.
The Committee agreed that it was an ambitious programme but one which they supported in order to improve facilities for young people in the borough.
Officers were thanked for their inclusive approach and for taking into account Councillors’ views so readily which had made the consultation with them positive and productive.
It was noted that because the capital estimate was above £250,000, Corporate Management Committee would need to recommend approval by full Council on 19 October of recommendation vi) below.
Officers in Community Services were asked to amend the reference to Warwick Avenue to clarify it was in Thorpe Ward.
Also regarding Thorpe Officers were asked to discuss the feasibility of re-locating the play area at Frank Muir Memorial Field owing to its current location frequently flooding making the play area unusable.
Officers were also asked to submit a report on the play area at Englefield Green to a future meeting of the Englefield Green Committee in consultation with Officers in Legal owing to the unique status of its location.
Recommend to Corporate Management Committee that –
i) the proposed health and safety works and play area replacement plan, be approved;
ii) a capital estimate in the sum of £229,000, be approved for the replacement plan for Surrey Towers, Pooley Green and Hythe Park as set out in table 3 of the report to be funded from the resources set out in table 2, subject to any additional approvals required;
iii) in approving recommendation ii) above, also agree to release the £100,000 for Play area replacement programme provisions in the capital programme for2023/24;
iv) an allocation of £47,000 from the 2024/2025 youth development revenue budget for the play area replacement, be approved;
v) the virement of the revenue budgets earmarked for the replacement of play equipment to fund the capital expenditure, be approved, noting that this will show in future revenue reports as contributions to capitalexpenditure on the summary page of the budget; and
Corporate Management Committee be asked to Recommend to Council that -
vi) a capital estimate in the sum of £565,000, be approved for the replacement plan for the remaining locations set out in table 3 of the report to be funded from the resources set out in table 2, subject to any additional approvals required
Resolved that –
vi) the release of £30,000 provision set aside in the General Fund RevenueBudget and Business Plan for this purpose to be added to the2024/2025 and future years’ budgets; and
vii) the business case for ongoing maintenance of play areas to the improved standards
Supporting documents: