24/25 Budget


The draft budget for 2024/25 had been developed, following the agreement of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Medium Term Financial Forecast at the previous Corporate Management Committee.  The proposed budget also acknowledged other factors such as the Capital Strategy (considered as part of another agenda item at this meeting).  The budget report sought to convey the scale of the financial challenges facing Runnymede Borough Council over the coming years, which could if left unaddressed, result in the expiration of the Council’s balances during the 2028/29 financial year.


The main features of the budget were presented to the Committee.  These features included the proposal to increase Council Tax by the maximum amount possible without needing to undertake a referendum, and the maintenance of a minimum level of reserves.  Members’ attention was drawn to the statutory statement of the Council’s Chief Financial (s151) Officer, which provided commentary on the risks associated with the proposed budget.


The Committee discussed the proposals.


Some members felt that the proposed budget was pragmatic and made good progress towards addressing the budget deficit.  It also maintained the Council’s commitment to responding to climate change.


Some concern was expressed about the level of remuneration for staff, with particular reference to the recruitment and retention challenges being experienced by the Council.  It was noted that the upcoming pay award would be subject to negotiations with the staff union.


It was stated that the car parking income discussed by the Environment and Sustainability Committee was not accurately reflected in the budget before the Committee.  Officers agreed that the presentation of this element could be reviewed.


The inclusion of two years of growth for tree works was queried. It was noted that the growth covered additional works required while a full condition survey was being carried out, which would then inform the level of budget required in future years.


A query was raised about the report’s commentary around the Council’s assets, in particular the undesirability of disposing of them at a loss and the resultant impact on the Council’s revenue budget in servicing the outstanding debt.  The level of optimism around the performance of the Council in obtaining tenants for its assets was also questioned.  It was noted that the Property and Assets Member Task Force was keeping the performance of the Council’s assets under close review.


Clarification was provided around limiting the number of future growth items.  Such items would only be considered if they were needed to support the delivery of an essential service or to fulfil the Council’s strategic aims.  The initial expectation was that internal savings would need to be identified and then transferred via a virement.


A named vote was requested on the proposed resolution, with the voting noted as follows:


For the resolution (7)


Councillors Gracey, Howorth, Coen, Cressey, Nuti, Snow and Willingale.


Against the resolution (2)


Councillors R. King and Ringham.


Abstentions (3)


Councillors Gates, Gillham and D. Whyte.


It was resolved that the Council be recommended to agree:


1.    The Revised Budget for 2023/24 and Budget Estimates for 2024/25, as set out in the officer’s report and at Appendix D.


2.    An increase to the Band D Council Tax level of 2.99% (£5.53) from £184.92 to £190.45.


3.    The maintenance of the minimum threshold for the General Fund Working Balance at £5m.


4.    The transfers to and from reserves as set out in the officer’s report.


The following was noted by the Committee:


1.    The updated Medium-Term Financial Forecast at Appendix A.


2.    The statement of the Chief Financial Officer at Appendix E.

Supporting documents: