Service Area Plans for Assets and Regeneration, Finance, Customer, Digital and Collection Services, HR, Legal and Governance and the CEX Office and the Corporate Action Plan 2024/25


There was discussion about the deliverability of some workstreams, particularly due to workloads associated with the Non-Statutory Best Value Notice (NSBVN).  However, some members felt that both residents and staff welcomed aspirational service area plans.  Additionally, some of the planned activities in the service area plans were linked to the wider efficiencies programme and responding to the NSBVN.


It was resolved that:


1.    The 2024/25 Service Area Plans for the following areas be approved:


·         Assets and Regeneration

·         Finance

·         Customer, Digital and Collection Services

·         Human Resources

·         Legal and Governance

·         Chief Executive’s Office


2.    The collective Corporate Action Plan, collated from planned activity across all Service Area Plans and for delivery in 2024/25, be approved.

Supporting documents: