Annual Review of the Constitution 2024


The Committee was supportive of most of the Constitution Member Working Party’s (CMWP) proposed changes to the Constitution.  It was noted that, should the Council agree to them, the amendments would be in effect for the annual meeting of the Council on 15 May 2024.


Members felt that the proposed timeline in Standing Order 27.5 was unduly long.


There was extensive debate on the proposed amendments to the process for appointing to outside bodies.


The Committee supported the concept of simplifying the appointments process, in particular not undertaking three rounds of appointments in the coming months.


The removal of mandatory nomination forms, and the ability to appoint individuals not nominated in advance, was challenged.  It was held that such a process did not facilitate the appointment of individuals with sufficient knowledge and skills.  Consequently, the ability to nominate individuals at the time of consideration i.e. during a meeting was also challenged.  This viewpoint was contested, with some feeling that the need to complete nomination forms in advance unduly deterred members putting themselves forward for consideration, resulting in there being reduced representation for residents on some outside bodies.  Disappointment was also expressed over the perceived inability of some members to trust their colleagues.


Additional concerns were raised around the removal of requiring annual reports from those appointed to outside bodies.  This belief was again challenged on the basis that it unduly deterred people from nominating themselves.  It was also stated that in many instances, such reports were not forthcoming.


Some members expressed disappointment over these concerns not being raised at the CMWP.  The low level of attendance at some member working parties was noted. 


It was proposed and seconded that the amendments put forward by the CWMP, in relation to not requiring mandatory nomination forms and annual reports from appointed representatives, not be recommended for agreement by the Council.  A named vote was requested on this proposal, with the voting noted as follows:


In favour of requiring the mandatory completion of nomination forms and annual reports (6)


Councillors Balkan, Gillham, Jenkins, R. King, Ringham and D Whyte.


Against requiring the mandatory completion of nomination forms and annual reports (6)


Councillors Gracey, Howorth, Coen, MD Cressey, Nuti and Snow.


Abstentions (0)


As the vote was tied, Councillor Gracey exercised a second/casting vote in accordance with Standing Order 39.10.


The proposal recommending the mandatory completion of nomination forms and annual reports FELL.


It was resolved that the Council be recommended to adopt the proposed changes to the Constitution, as detailed in the officer’s report, to come into effect at the beginning of the municipal year i.e. 15 May 2024, subject Standing Order 27.5 being amended to read:


“Members who wish to request that a particular item of business be included on the agenda for a meeting must consult with the Chief Executive and other chief officers as appropriate, with a view to defining the scope of any such item, prior to giving notice under this Standing Order. Notice must be given in writing to the Chief Executive by 9.30am of the tenth working day before the meeting.”

Supporting documents: