Event Applications


The Committee considered various event applications received by the Council for the hire of Englefield Green.


Whilst the Committee was supportive of events being held on the Green, it was felt the number of events needed to be proportionate and too many heavy vehicles would undoubtably cause damage to the Green. 


It was also noted that being in mind the grass seed recently applied needed time to ‘bed in’ it would be sensible to leave some time before heavy vehicles accessed the Green to give the seed the best chance to establish.


Officers were asked if the fees received from events went into the Englefield Green Earmarked reserves as to date the fees were not shown within the financial statements.  Officers would obtain this information on fees received and if possible would circulate to Members of the Committee.  Officers would also ensure where possible that  fees were included in all future financial statements of the Earmarked reserve budget.


The Committee was reassured that after initial approval by the Englefield Green Committee all events were then discussed at the Safety Advisory Group which had representatives from various groups which included: police, health, fire, community safety and highways.  It was a well-managed process.


The Committee reviewed each application individually and agreed as follows:




Resolved that:



The application for use of the Green by Beach’s Funfair from 17 – 19 May be refused


The application for use of the Green by Circus Fantasia from 12 – 16 May be refused


The application for use of the Green by EGVRA for the Village Fair on 22 June be approved


The application for use of the Green by Beach’s Funfair from 16 – 23 September be approved


The application for use of the Green by Horton’s Vintage Fairground from 21 – 22 September be refused


The application for use of the Green by EGVRA for an Easter Egg Hunt on 12 April  be approved.






Supporting documents: