Annual inspection of the Trust land


The Committee received notes taken on the annual inspection of the Trust land which took place on Thursday 13th June.


Officers had noted various points which were relayed to the Green Spaces team following the inspection.  The Committee received an update from the Green Spaces Team on actions undertaken since the inspection had taken place.


All works allocated to the GM (Grounds Maintenance) team had now been completed barring the removal of the Christmas trees.


Officers reported that the Environment Agency (EA) would be carrying out water sampling next month.   This information would help identify why there was no vegetation along the river.  The EA would also cover the flooding risks.


Officers reported that they had contacted the Council’s legal team regarding drafting letters to residents regarding incursions.  The volunteers agreed they would be happy to distribute the letters, by hand when Officers had produced them.


With regard to the Skunk Cabbage,  Officers reported that the Council’s Green Maintenance team would deal with this in the most effective and efficient way.
Officers were asked to report back to the next AGM on what action was taken in this regard.


It was noted that some unsafe bridges and railings had been identified.  Officers were asked to display notices on the affected areas to advise members of the public they were unsafe. 


It was noted that the FCTW had been willing to deal with the Himalayan Balsam on the site but had been waiting for clarification from Officers regarding supervision and the  possible need for insurance.   Officers were asked to look into this as soon as possible and advise the FCTW accordingly.


The FCTW stated that recent work parties had been disappointing due to lack of dialogue with Green Spaces.   Officers advised that there was currently acute staffing issues in the team with only 1 ½ Green Space Officers covering the whole borough.  It was hoped a new Green Space Manager would be starting in the autumn. Officers would ensure the new Green Space Manager was taken to the site, as soon as possible, so they could familiarize themselves with the area and work needed.


Various members to the FCTW expressed their frustration at not getting a response to emails sent to  It was noted that the Egham and Staines volunteers had also emailed the open space address and had not got a response.   The FCTW were asked to copy Cllr C Howorth into any emails sent to the Open Space Team in future so he could assist in monitoring responses. 


The installation of a dog waste bin being installed at the entrance to the site was discussed.   Officers would look into the feasibility of this (with possible re-positioning of existing bin and report back to the next AGM.


Actions:       Officers to prepare incursion letters in conjunction with the
                    Council’s legal team and then give to volunteers for distribution -
                    Helen Clark

                    Officers to treat the Skunk Cabbage in the most effective and efficient
                    way and report back to the next AGM on what action was taken – Helen 


                    Officers to produce and display notes on all unsafe bridges/handrails as
                    soon as possible – Helen Clark


                    Officers to go back to the Council’s insurance officers to clarify if       
                    volunteers could undertake work without RBC supervision and/or
                    insurance  - Helen Clark

                     (Insurance Officers subsequently confirmed that as long as the Council     
                     had a list of all volunteers and a description of the work being
                     undertaken, as long as the work does not involve hazardous machinery
                     or chemicals which would normally require training to operate,
                     supervison should not be necessary).



                    Officers to take the newly recruited Green Spaces Manager to the trust
                    land as soon as practically possible so they could familiarize themselves
                    with the area and work needed – Helen Clark


                    Officers to look at the feasibility of a dog waste bin being installed at the
                    entrance to the site (with possible re-positioning of existing bin
                    report back to the next AGM – Helen Clark






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