The Committee was asked to approve a number of changes to the current charges in the Council’s car parks.
It was reported that the Council faced a significant financial challenge, with a projected budget deficit of £4.1 million by 2026/27. To address this shortfall, the medium term financial strategy set out the Council’s strategy to developing its approach in terms of efficiency, income and savings, as the deficit needed to be addressed by 2027/28.
When setting fees and charges it was vital to ensure that there was a balance between recovering the cost of running services and ensuring our charges were affordable.
Runnymede managed 27 off-street car parks, with free motorcycle parking as well as disabled parking spaces at each location.
Officers reported that prior to the Covid pandemic, parking income was relatively high at £636kpa and as such the Council could afford to offer free parking in relation to its open space car parks. However, this income had reduced over the past four years with a budget of £474k set for the 2024/25 financial year.
During 2024/25, the Council invested heavily in upgrading and implementing new pay and display machines and Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) to improve customer experience and protect Council income. Fees were increased from April 2024 for the first time in five years to ensure parking services remained self-financing.
The Committee was advised that it had become apparent that over 55% of the Council’s car parks were being subsidised by revenue from fee-paying car parks.
Benchmarking with other Surrey Authorities showed that Runnymede costs were comparable across the county and a modest increase of 0.05 and 0.10 for Out of Town and Town Centre car parks would bring in an additional revenue of approximately £90k pa whilst remaining affordable when compared to neighbouring authorities.
Officers advised the Committee that several neighbouring authorities also charged for both evening and overnight stays at a fixed fee of between £2.00 and £7.00 depending on the length of stay. This charge helped to reduce the ongoing operational costs of lighting and maintenance and was particularly successful in barrier ANPR car parks where payment on exit was mandatory.
To ensure consistency, all seven open space car parks would be included in the Council’s Off-Street Parking Orders. A recreational charge was therefore proposed. This would allow for three hours of free parking for leisure and recreational use, followed by a nominal fee of £2.80.
Officers were also proposing to add a new section to the Off-Street Parking Orders that allowed for a temporary waiver of car parking charges to support specific annual community events. This waiver would be granted at the discretion of the Council and would be subject to conditions.
Officers had been in discussion with Surrey County Council regarding how Runnymede could best support their local street improvement scheme, whilst also addressing the administrative challenges of offering limited parking permits equivalent to the number of on-street spaces removed.
Officers were asked to clarify to the Committee, details of the amount spent/remaining in the parking reserve fund. Officers advised members that the parking reserve has reduced to £100k following the investment in pay and display and ANPR with £30k set aside for electrical surveys for EV project.
Some members of the Committee felt very strongly that the increase at Cooper’s Hill car park and the impact it would have on the local football and tennis clubs was unacceptable. Officers advised the Committee that they had been in dialogue with both the football and tennis club and support would be given to community days. However, car parking needed to be self-supporting and could not be supported from public funds.
A member of the Committee stressed that she felt some members of the Committee were behaving appallingly to both Officers and other Members during this meeting and wanted this minuted, they stressed that all Councillors should work for all residents. She would love to be in a position not to put charges up but sadly this wasn’t an option due to the Council’s current financial position.
Some Members of the Committee strongly felt that 3 hours free parking at Coopers Hill would have a detrimental impact on the Manorcroft Junior Football Club in particular. Whilst matches only lasted 90 minutes, the children needed to arrive some time before the match and would be there some time after.
It was suggested that the Football Club and/or the Tennis Club may wish to submit a petition to the Council, thereby giving them the opportunity to show their dissatisfaction democratically.
There was a discussion regarding parking in the vicinity of the Chertsey library and it was suggested that all Council car parks within 150m of a library should have 30 minutes free parking, and a motion was put forward to this effect.
A named vote was requested on the motion, and voting was as follows:
In favour: Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Against: Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C Parry, T Gates, M Harnden, M Williams,
K Rowsell (7)
Abstentions: None
The proposed motion fell.
With regard to parking at Coopers Hill Car Park it was suggested that an increase from 3 to 4 hours free parking at the car park would be more acceptable, and an amendment was put forward to this effect.
The amendment was subject to a named vote as follows:
In favour: Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Against: Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C Parry, T Gates, M Harnden, M Williams,
K Rowsell (7)
Abstentions: None
The proposed amendment fell.
A named vote was requested on each of the Resolutions from 1 – 8 and voting was as follows:
1) In favour:- Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C
Parry, T Gates, M Harnden,
M Williams, K Rowsell (7)
Against:- Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Abstentions: None
2) In favour:- Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C
Parry, T Gates, M Harnden,
M Williams, K Rowsell (7)
Against:- Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Abstentions: None
3) In favour:- Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C
Parry, T Gates, M Harnden,
M Williams, K Rowsell (7)
Against:- Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Abstentions: None
4) In favour:- Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C
Parry, T Gates, M Harnden,
M Williams, K Rowsell (7)
Against:- Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Abstentions: None
5) In favour: Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C Parry, T Gates, M Harnden, J Hulley,
S Lewis, M Williams, K Rowsell, S Saise-Marshall (10)
Against:- None
Abstentions: None
6) In favour:- Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C
Parry, T Gates, M Harnden,
M Williams, K Rowsell (7)
Against:- Councillors J Hulley, S Lewis, S Saise-Marshall (3)
Abstentions: None
7) In favour:
Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C Parry, T Gates, M Harnden, J
Lewis, M Williams, K Rowsell, S Saise-Marshall (10)
Against:- None
Abstentions: None
8) In favour: Councillors D Whyte, S Ringham, C Parry, T Gates, M Harnden, J Hulley,
S Lewis, M Williams, K Rowsell, S Saise-Marshall (10)
Against:- None
Abstentions: None
Resolved that the following changes be approved:
1) modest fee increases of £0.05 (Out of Town) and £0.10 (Town)
2) introduction of recreational charging at open space car parks of £2.80 after 3 hours
3) introduction a new
charging structure which includes 30-minutes free parking at
Green and Egham Library to
support SCC Cycling and Infrastructure projects,
4) flat evening (£2) and overnight (£3) parking fees,
5) New procedures for
granting temporary waiver of parking charges to support
community events subject to costs being contained within
6) an increase of £30 (OFT) & £60(T) for annual permits,
7) standardisation of parking orders in terms of return and waiting times,
8) a thorough review of permits to introduce more flexible options.
Supporting documents: