Councillor Robert Bromley

I, Councillor Robert Bromley a Member of Runnymede Borough Council give notice that I, and where appropriate a 'relevant person' as defined in the Localism Act 2011 s 30(3)(b), have the following disclosable pecuniary interests and other registerable interests

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
South Western Railway, Wimbledon Train Care, Dursfold Road, Wimbledon, London. MB2 Maintenance Tech (DP) -
Personal Licence Holder -
Councillor of Runnymede Borough Council receiving the relevant allowance(s) and able to claim travel expenses -
2. Sponsorship
Councillor/co-opted Member
3. Contracts
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
None -
4. Land and Property
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
None -
5. Licences
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
rental of garages in the borough -
6. Corporate Tenancies
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
Details withheld -
7. Securities
Councillor/co-opted Member Relevant Person
None -

Table 2: Other Registerable Interests

8. a) any unpaid directorships
Councillor/co-opted Member only
9. b) any body of which you are a member or are in a position of general control or management and to which you are nominated or appointed by your authority (the Council)
Councillor/co-opted Member only
Surrey Civilian Military Partnership Board

c) any body

10. i) exercising functions of a public nature
Councillor/Co-opted Member only
11. ii) any body directed to charitable purposes or
Councillor/co-opted Member only
12. (iii) one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union)
Councillor Co-opted Member only
13. Other:
Councillor/co-opted Member only
member of RAOB Social Club
14. Date of Receipt by the Monitoring Officer and any subsequent amendments
15 May 2021, 14 December 2021, 7 June 2022, 18 May 2023